I only have about 1/2 acre to mow and I was just joking about the horsepower. When I was young, I think I was at one time, we used FarmAlls and Ford tractors and I mowed hundreds of acres with them. Actually for mowing hay, I really liked the smaller FarmAll better as I could run it all day in 3rd gear wide open and really get a lot done. And only having a 6' cycle, I could go places with it that the larger ones with longer cycles couldn't. Then when I was working on a ranch in New York, the guy had one of those huge tricycle type Farmalls that was scary at much speed. Huge rear tires that were above my head and the darn thing would turn up and over backwards in a heart beat. I once dumped almost 350 bales of hay on the highway with that beast.
The horsepower I was talking about wanting was so I could enter the lawnmower races. Always remember the Home Improvement show with Tim Allen when he souped up their riding lawn mower. I loved that show. It was my growing up on film.