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london...That`s one helluva presumption...!
Let`s 'presume' that Ford are making their Escorts in December. Chassis no 32,875 is made on Dec. 31st,03 and 32,876 is made on Jan. 1st, 04. does that make 32,876 an `03 car, or just an `03 model. by Jan.1st, 05 they`re up to 44,108... but still sequential. Is that also an `03 made car or just the 3rd year that the `03 model had been made?
It`s a bunch of cr4p ,and I`m sure they can`t get away with it. (IMVeryHO!!!!)
"If I plagiarize, it's only because I like someone else's idea better than mine and I want credit for it."- Anna Sato-Williams.
"If I plagiarize, it's only because I like someone else's idea better than mine and I want credit for it."- nikbj68