you go to school an hour before my first post, but yes, I don't usually post until the i'm showered, dressed, 'madeup', kids are fed, dressed, lunched boxed, sent to school, breakfast is cleared and tidying for the day has begun. i feel like half my day is done before 8 am!!!! oh, and tomorrow I 'get' to take kids to school, as hubby is gone for the night. And, it's Wednesday!!! Scrapbook day!!! It makes 'hump' day the best day of the week.

so, regarding your frame. Can we keep frame topic over on the frame thread??? It's too confusing to jump from one to the other!!! Ron, is that a Mandrell, as in Barbara??!!!

I'm sure at some point I'll see Earl!! I'll be at the 'beach'? in disney with the girls, too! (2 of 'em)
It's gonna be a tight week; the trailer and cobra have to be loaded before I even go to Florida, so that when I get home Thursday evening I re-pack and head to Austin first thing Friday morning! Wow!! By myself. Sounds goooooodddddd.....
The logisitics expert at work..... Just trying to figure out how to make Tulsa (mid america) and Spring Fling work. Besides the fact that I DO have a family, and am expected to be around some this summer!!!! baseball, softball, etc..... I have to get my new tires before I get back on the track.... so much to do, and now I have this big ol school project I stupidly volunteered for.......