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gone all day and all ya'll can talk about is the weather??? Sunny and cold here, about 55 or so.
Guess I'll call about Pepe tomorrow. Got roped into ANOTHER school 'volunteer' project today. Crud.
Took 3 to dentist today for their fillings. #1 boy feels bad; he's waiting til next Wednesday. Coughed enough for the dentist to hold up a bit.... Hubby came home early. Got spaghetti on the stove.... #2 son in line for the computer; cain't I git on I M???
Got about 6 pages done in #1 girls book. She is now 8 months, or so..... Will stop her book at 1 year, and move on to another. They are sooo fun..... Hey Earl, if I have room, I'll bring my book to Florida....
gotta go!!
Austin & Tulsa: 04,05,06,07,08
LCS: 05, Run 'n Gun: 06
San Marcos: 09