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I had a problem with my frame bottoming out on the top of the diff, but only under extreme acceleration and I had new drag shocks set at 50/50. I installed new carrera air shocks and not only did the problem go away, I can launch even harder now. When you say bouncing, is it after you launch or just while driving and hitting the normal bumps in the road. If it's the normal bumps say at highway speeds that cause your suspension to dip and potentially bottom out I would venture to think it's a clearance/design problem and not a component problem. I think you'll find the airshocks may be the way to go, or height adjustable coilovers if there is an application for a jag. Do you have the problem wether it's just you or you and a passenger? Do you have the problem when pulling out of parking lots?
Incidentally in the previous thread of 4-5" clearance, I could be so lucky. I can't stand a pack of smokes on end and pass it under my scatter shield.