G.R. (Island Creature is your other nick name, right?-) thanks for the kind words. I think it would be great therapy for us both to come home and turn wrenches together on our dream car. I think we would hold on to it longer, and have a special bond, if we actually did the build ourselves. However, it still is pretty much up in the air at the time, so anything could happen. I can't wait for this house to be done its already puttin a lot of stress on pops, end the dam## thing isn't even started yet (paperwork seems endless, you get one thing done, then you either have to wait for something else or wait for a reply from something you already filled out, which usually means you have to fill out yet ANOTHER piece of paperwork.)
Ron- do you think a Merlin V-12 would fit in a Cobra? Would that be smog excempt?