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ERA reunion
Has anyone ever done a demographic of where the ERA cars are located? It would be interesting to find a central location that would require minimal travel for the majority of owners. I hear people talking about Spring Fling that think traveling three hours would be too long. For me, traveling to Elria, OH would be 2000 + miles and 29 hours on the road. A more central location like Kansas City, would spread the distance a little more equally between east and west coasts. Seattle 1,500, L.A. 1,600, Chicago, 500, Dallas 550, Detroit 780, Boston 1,400, Miami, 1460, Atlanta 800 from Kansas City. Of course all this supposes that ERA cars are equally distributed across the US. For maximum participation, a location close to the heaviest density of cars is most logical. However in a democracy, it would sure be nice to give everyone an "equal" opportunity to participate. This is very logical to me but of course I do live a long ways away from most of the Cobra events.