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Old 02-12-2005, 09:39 AM
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Dan Semko Dan Semko is offline
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Location: Richmond, IN
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It's been light years since I've heard from you. Hope all is well and that your Naval tour is going well.

I seriously think this is my cobra cerebral infarct revisiting, as it usually does every 2-3 years. Once the cobra leaves, 6 weeks later I start to appreciate how much I enjoyed having the freedom in a well sorted, trouble free car, embark in another hot pursuit for another one....and finely hone my use of expletives either building or sorting the new project.

Lends credence to the old adage that "you can't teach an old dog new tricks". You'd think I'd learn! so much for a higher education.

If you're in our neck of the woods, the doors always open. Have you stayed in touch with Kris Kinkaid?
DDS/The First Edition

"In debates on ethically contentious issues, it is never wise nor polite to deride or belittle another person's delusion."