Wasting a lot of time and effort "attempting" to remove orange peal. I've been using 1500 grit wet sand paper and then rubbing compound with a buffer. Then I've been using a polishing compound for the final shine. Car shines like crazy but so do the scratches that are still in the paint from the wet sanding. I have no experience with a buffer and to prove it I have a nice area just over the passengers shoulder where I burned through the paint. Please don't reply and say take it to a professional. If I had any money left I would have in the first place. I need some re-commendations on what compounds to use and maybe what type of polishing pad. Has anyone heard of a newer wet sanding kit from 3M with adhesive backed sand paper for a D.A. sander and different polishes? This doing it by hand is taking forever and when I call a body shop for help they claim "they can have a little car like that done in a day"