Gasman wrote:
"Dear Susan and Bill,... I'd like to personally thank you for being there for us. You both are special people with a love for our passion that most people will never understand. Let it go and get on with answering the phone for those that love you. I do. "
Gasman - You make me laugh, and wonder. All I can say is thank God it was Valentines Day! I hope your wife got a note that passionate.

BTW, it almost brought a tear to my eye.
Personally, I don't think this thread has made much sense - two groups 180 degrees apart - with one chastising the other for their experiences. A
better answer would be to book a flight to Atlanta, spend a day with with Bill & Susan, and take GS up on an offer to drive an SA equipped car - it would also go along way in showing how serious you are about a motor from them. The rest of this stuff is nothing more than juvenile drivel - mostly from the SA customer side.
BTW, you "can do better" which is why SA's 427's are 15K - fact not opinion (I think Mr. P even wrote this) but with dependability being the "goal" more stock like motors are what you get in that price range. Reckless "claims" such as this do nothing to sway anyone with a brain - or at least much of one.