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Classics by Elite of London, Ohio
As of February 19th, 2005 Classic Roadsters II Inc. of Sauk Centre, Minnesota has stopped all business relationships with Classics by Elite LLC of London, Ohio, owned by Jay Kowalik. Jay Kowalik and his business Classics by Elite LLC no longer represent Classic Roadsters II Inc. in any capacity. Classic Roadsters II Inc will not honor any contract written by Jay Kowalik or Classics by Elite LLC as of this date Feb. 19th, 2005. Any contracts written before Feb. 19th, 2005 will be honored when payment is made for each specific contract. If you currently have a contract with Classics by Elite LLC of London, Ohio for Classic Roadsters II Inc product and wish to discuss this please give me a call. A certified letter was sent to Classics by Elite LLC and signed by Jay Kowalik on Feb. 12th, 2005 stating the reason of the business relationship dissolution. This was not the 1st notice sent and Jay Kowalik is fully aware of the purpose and reason of the cessation. Please call for information on any Classic Roadsters II product.
Don Scott, President, Classic Roadsters II Inc.
39342 Co Rd 185, Sauk Centre, MN 56378