Just add a 5 in place of the 1 and you won't have 16 degree weather. Then convince your body that it is actually 56 degrees and everything will be fine.
We have been having light rain showers off and on the past three days but no really cold weather. Low 50s at night and once clear down to 46.
Sunday. My day of rest. Lay down. prop the hip and leg up, get a few Diet Pepsis, put my right arm in a sling, and watch the Daytona 500 Race. Tomorrow is a holiday so I won't be dong anything either. Tuesday I have to get holdof the city as they raised the water rates and either gave me incorrect information, of once again they porgrammed their computer wrong, as nearly every time they raise anything the first bills out are overcharged. I wrote a simple program about 20 years ago that I use and it has saved me a good bit of money over the years with their mess ups. Now they don't even question when I call in, just tell me what the latest increase was and then if that is what they gave me they deduct the over charge and call their programmer back to correct the problem.