Hey, Mike Z! yeah, I can't believe I've written on almost all 150. Talk about needing a life.... Really, tho', this is more of an 'escape of life' for me, than living my hectic real life....
My mother in law says she is gonna go with me to meet Earl.

She's heard so much about the 'wicked ways of the internet'....
afraid I'm gonna hook up with some internet dude..

leave my hubby and 4 kids, for some internet love affair....
I don't know how old Earl is, but I was giving her a hard time; said Earl might start hitting on her!!!

(kidding Earl, I know you're married, and all) Just playing with her.... BOTH my inlaws will be on the trip. Btw. We don't arrive til 5 pm on March 12.
Pretty funny, Ron, about the machine gun. As a matter of fact.... I have vacuumed up probably 200 + 'air-soft' gun pellets. The wars that go on up there. I shudder to think. We probably have 1000 + of the little plastic army men. Green, beige, etc. We are leaving those upstairs, because of all the campaigns, and battles they like to set up. #1 son is a tactical expert (in his own mind).
the star wars figures will get sorted and saved. All the knights, playmobile toys, cowboy and indian things are going out. They were a big part of our life for a long time.... kinda sad, in a way.
I'm sure I'll feel the same way when all those zillions of doll babies and strollers, baby clothes, etc. are given away - of the girls. And the Barbie room. Won't miss that stuff, tho'. We have a hall from our room that is near where all the Barbie junk is. I call it the 'gauntlet' because if you walk down it in the dark of night, you will wake the house with all the yelling from stepping on all the little barbie shoes and $h!t left lying on the floor.... OUCH!!!
Very nice church service. my attendance was noted and applauded by the crowd....

Two souls were saved and baptized. Wow. a big day. Kentucky Fried chicken for lunch, and now it's nap time! Home by myself..... uuummmm. heavenly....
Gonna work on that school project in a while.
check ya later!
Beautiful 80*, btw. great day for the cobra. If I had one.

Should be home this week. Keep your fingers crossed!!!