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Click on the search button and do a search for SB100 (the California bill that addresses how to register replica cars). You'll find a ton of information. Note that if you buy a car out of state and then bring it into California, you'll end up paying sales tax at the California rate. I think you can get around that if the car is first registered in another state for at lease 3 months (or maybe 6). But driving a Cobra in California with NC plates would be a huge red flag and I don't think you'd get away with it for long. So, if you have to pay California sales tax anyway, and then you have to get it from NC to California (probably $1800 to have it shipped), you really haven't saved much. If it were me, I'd just buy it here. Or I'd really consider buying a pre-owned SPF that has already gone through the SB100 process. You'd save a ton of hassle and probably quite a bit of money too.