I was pretty much at the mercy of my chauffeur. Sorry! I would have asked for and gotten the dyno's.... (well who knows) but I will definitely ask for them NEXT TIME I'm at KC. which, of course I hope is NEVER because it kinda drains the check book just a wee little bit (cough cough).....
but, as I read over the instruction sheet for the toploader, it says I have to have some grease thing (gear lube) changed between 500-1000 miles and since we don't work on the car, we must take car back to KC.... hmmmm. isn't that what my quiklift, tools, etc. are supposed to make me be able to do???? course I don't have them yet, but sometime.... ok, anyway, looks like I'll be back in Plano at SOMETIME and I'll try to get your dynos at that time..... Don't need to be reminded; I have a memory like a steel trap... ask my hubby and kids.....
So. top speed today, 71 on the dreaded hi-5, LBJ interchange, etc. Speedo worked the whole way! That interchange is where it has stopped working BOTH times I've had it fixed.... Drove like a champ..... yehaw! glad he's back.... now just a bit dirty, or dusty..... clean em up tomorrow..... gotta get my new tires ordered, asap. maybe new sidepipes, but not in a big hurry for that..... Austin is coming up quick!! (remember, I have to have it loaded in the trailer before I even leave for Florida!! yikes!!!)
gotta go. My hair is wild. good thing.....