pretty funny Mike!
Remember, Ron, it's all about supporting the economy. I am supporting KC's economy (well, really Drew B., then Rob, then Michael and Mark, then the sweeper boy, etc......)
I am soooo glad to have the car back! This office is right next to the garage, and I can just sorta smell him! It's such a great smell... sorta like when my hubby wears that cologne I bought for him a zillion years ago....

It looks kinda chilly out there this morning. I hope it warms up a bit, cuz I'm gonna give him a proper washing, and polishing. I've waited too long to order the new tires for Austin. Time just sneaks up on you, doesn't it? I should have them by the next track event. I guess I'll call up and order a quiklift, too. Had to recall Sears and order a catalog, again. Maybe this time I'll get it!
I talked to my bubba in Seattle, and he's thinking of going to a June event with me. That might make it all work. 18+ hours in the truck pulling trailer by myself sounds like more work than fun. I don't know. Might not decide about June until June! I'm really wanting hubby to buy me a truck. We don't really NEED another truck, but I just want one! He says to take 'my' money and go buy one, if I want one. I don't want to spend 'my' money on a truck! I want him to! His truck is a '96, and the old, whupped out farm truck is a '92. It isn't 'broke' enough to get rid of it, and he just can't see having a new truck. Supposedly our dealer friend was looking for a truck for him to trade my old Sequoia. Haven't heard how that's going. Yesterday hubby was driving around in the Sequoia, and now it's parked with the old land cruiser under the porte---- whatever that french word is for carport. p o r t e c h a c h e. I'm sure that isn't it...... covered porch/drive connected to the house..... rambling as usual.....