You do have problems trying to decide what to do. Decisions, decisions. Should I buy a new truck or a jet plane.

By the way, Pepe will run just as well with some dirt on him. Ask my car. I go over it maybe twice a year with the wet paint. Takes about 20 to 30 minutes depending on if I stay at it or stop and have a Diet Pepsi or so. As for supporting the economy, send ME money. I will spend it and that will support the economy.
Sorry to hear they you are not feeling well. We both spent much of yesterday in bed as I just got to hot out in that sun and it really messed me up. My doctor told me that I had another minor heat stroke. Now I have to take it easy for four or five days. But it is overcast today and is supposed to rain tomorrw. Temperature is way down in the 50s now.