I have had an electric weed eater for years and it is great. The problem is that to get to some of the places I need to, I have to unroll and string out 200' of electric cord and that is to do about 20 minutes of weed whacking. Crap, it takes me 35 minutes to get the electric cord unrolled from it's rollers and then rolled back up and put away. I use it all the time in the yards where just one of the 100' cords reaches everything and it is a good one. I use it to cut back rose buushes that are about the thickness of my little finger. One other problem right now too, is the electric motor out on the end is very hard on my torn rotator cuff in my right shoulder. This gas powered one has the small engine on the back side and I can use it without any pull on that shoulder.
I haven't heard any more from UT and didn't want to bother him with an e-mail as he is going through so much right now.
What is with the windshieldwiper squirters on your Cobra. We don't have to have them and some of the cars they have passed out here don't even have a place for wipers to be installed. But like everything here, that varies from one inspector to the next. Two guys went to the same inspection station and one had to have wipers and a back up light and the other didn't. They got two different inspectors. Columbus sounds nice. I was there many years ago working on the ESS computers.

6AM and already 56 degrees.