Hope that you are feeling better by now. Mike, on your way to cut my grass, go by and cut Steve's. He may even pay you.
Big drug raid went on for over 5 hours yesterday and now the city is going to get involved and I think try to condem that house. The city inspector called me yesterday afternoon and said he was coming over today and look at everyting. The peoperty has been up for sale ever since the last of the brothers that owned it went to jail a few months ago. But they will never sell it in this mess. I still think the seizure and forefiture law is the way to go now. I will be talking to a couple of our drug enforcement officers today as they are wanting to know just how much traffic has been in and out of there the past month. So they are canvassing the neighborhood asking all the people around here. It would be nice to see that mess gone for good. Then I could go back to just carrying my 9MM instead of it and the machine gun.