Ever, (and any other interested parties)
The next meeting of the Windy City Cobra Club will be held on April 9, 2005 at the Chicago Indool Racing, 301 Hastings Drive in Buffalo Grove Il. 60089. (
www.chicagoindoorracing.com/directions.asp) The meeting will begin at the CIR facility at 1:00pm sharp. Expect the meeting to last about an hour as we will discuss the clubs 2005 event calendar and decide which DVSF venue we want to visit this summer, among other topics of interest to all members. Afterward, there will be a racing safety session with drivers and CIR followed by a ........."spiritated" racing session at CIR. You are welcome to join us for both events. Send an email to
WindyCityCobraClub@Comcast.net for information on joining the club and the costs for the April 9th's racing event.
We look forward to meeting you then...
The Club Directors.
Oh..and by the way....what COLOR is your car?