I'll have to post the pictures later during the install, but the "heat" is on NOW so here it is:
I've ALWAYS done my engine assemblies with engine
oil coating the cylinder walls, pistons, rings etc. But after consulting on the matter with some proffesional engine builders, I like their advice!
Marvel Mystery
Oil. Yup, and a light coating at that! Swab the cylinder wall, wipe down the piston and rings and put it in the hole! I actually did a couple all ready for a "test run". I LIKE IT a LOT! The engine turns over really easy with far less "drag" than I expected.
The concept is the Mystery
Oil (and more than one proffessional builder even uses 2 cycle oil in a pinch) provides that initial protection better than engine oil. BOTH are "scrapped" away with the first stroke of the piston but the Mystery Oil leaves behind a more durable surface coating. Some have even suggested using to much engine oil during installation can PROMOTE "galling" of the piston\cylinder area.
...not to mention how much cleaner the install is! I was getting ready to take a "bath" in engine oil! Call me crazy, but I'm going with the Marvelous Mystery Man. The oil my Daddy always swore by, I guess I just didn't "get it" when I was young man!
30 wt oil will fill the crankcase for the initial "fire it up" run! Pre-primed oil and fuel and I expect it to "fire" within just a few cranks of the starter!