Come on guys I am dieing here, I need to see some pics.
Surely someone has a digital camera and a laptop?
I cant even work on my car, I was grinding some bolts to mount my quick jacks yesterday and the bolt got caught in the grinder and pulled from my grip, well the threads of the bolt ripped past the back of my ring finger on my left hand and has peeled all the skin away from my finger nail upto the first joint in that finger.
It looks like I will have to cut off the flap of skin that was left behind.
It doesnt hurt much at the moment so I may go back out there tomorrow and finish mounting the quick jacks.
Any way back to the reason for this thread, Where are the pics?
Even my wife felt sorry for me yesterday when she remembered I was hopeing to be at Winton over easter and it had arrived but I was still here.
Cruising in 5th
Never be afraid to do something new, Remember, Amateurs built the Ark: Professionals built the Titanic.