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Old 03-31-2005, 06:59 AM
hey,littlecobra's Avatar
hey,littlecobra hey,littlecobra is offline
Miss Texas Cobra Club-08
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ya know, it's all about priorities. yup. priorities. Scrapbooked for 4+ hours yesterday. Did I get my 'family' books done? nooooo. But the cobra book is caught up to last weekend in Austin!! whoohoooooooo!!!!!

Kinda quiet around here. Ya'll working?

Tru- Starting to get a thaw up there? It's after Easter......

Ron- sooo glad you got out for a drive yesterday. I'll be heading out Saturday for the Dallas's group lunch. About 45 minutes away; over by DFW airport or so, a bit north.

Mike- where you been, boy??? You haven't been posting so much lately. Spring thaw got you outside, too?
Have a great day, guys. I'm gonna scrapbook just a little bit more today.....
Austin & Tulsa: 04,05,06,07,08
LCS: 05, Run 'n Gun: 06
San Marcos: 09
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