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oops...i broke my cobra...need a tranny shop...
Hey everyone!!
I was out taking my car out for a drive yesterday, I was leaving the O'hare toll booth (in a hurry....) I shifted from 1st to 2nd, 2nd to third I was on my way to 4th when i think i missed the shift and the tranny locked up. I pushed the clutch in and let her drift to the shoulder.
Well to make a long story short. I only have 1st gear in my Richmond Street five speed. The shifter feels like its in neutral, but I can't get the stick to go into 1st thru 4th gear. It feels like I can get into 5th and Rev, but nothing actually happens when I get it into those gears.
The clutch works cause I can move the car, but I can't get it out of 1st gear.
Anyone know of a reputable shop in the northern suburbs where I can have the car towed and looked at. I was able to limp along back to my parents house, but with no reverse, its gonna be hard to get it out of their garage.
If anyone has any suggestions on getting it drivable so I can get it to a shop that would be appreciated.