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CR donation to LOndon Car Show
Don, I just read that you donated a car to the London car show. Thanks for your generousity.
I wish that the two shows weren't on the same weekend. I would love to attend both. I hope next year the organizers (rdorman and hotfingers) can get together and plan for two different weekends. I know the London Show is tied to the Strawberry Festival so the dates are pretty well set. But the DVSF can be held on any weekend now it is no longer affiliated with the Strawberry Festival.
Don, is there any particular reason that you will be attending the London Show as opposed to the DVSF in Elyria.
Alas, the Great Lakes Cobra Club (the group I belong to and go with) have decided as a group to go to DVSF, so, I will be going there. Sorry to miss you.
life is short: eat dessert first !