You're the greatest ! I think it's terrific that you help out by selling a car at cost to benefit CF. I personally will continue to recommend your products to any and all I can. I've seen most of what you manufacture and it is a quality product. I remember at the DVSF I that there were a significant number of your Cobras there. I also want to buy you a cold beverage of your choice when we meet in London.
I will be driving to London for the fifth time this year and I will have my good friend Bernie Knight as my co-pilot for the 2200 mile trip. I want him to enjoy the sights and stops along the way but mostly I want him to see London and expierence the good folks there and how really special a place it is.
It's a long 18,000 miles for Bernie but I'm sure it will be worth it.
On the return to Phoenix we plan on stopping and visiting as many neat places that we can. We will probably stop at the Indy track, then the Route 66 museum perhaps. Whatever we see that looks interesting we'll stop.