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I tried the crappy tail pipe expanders at the Auto Zone etc and broke the made in China tool in 2 minutes. I took the header and side pipe off the car and took it to a muffler shop. They have a hydraulic pipe expander. In no more than 5 minutes I had the header pipe expanded. I had the side pipe with me so I could test fit during the whole process. It is the only way to do it. The guy did not even want to charge me since it took him no time. I tipped him $20.
I am 90% confident this will work. If not I will do the flange solution. Taking the passenger side header and exhaust pipe was about 30 minutes, the driver side was a little longer since I had to slide the steering column back to get the header off, an hour. If I had it to it again I could have both off in 45 minutes.
Incredible difference in the sound. Make sure you clean and remove any burs on the male piece of the header, there is no reason it cannot be a slip fit .005" if both pieces are round and not damaged.