hello. just stopped in for a few minutes. Spent 3 hours today, and 2 yesterday, painting columns and an arch for the middle school banquet. Aren't we glad we are an involved parent??
Sent 14 yo moody son off on school trip at 7:30 this a.m. He won't be back til Friday evening. yea!!! Although, I will say he hasn't been terrible THIS week... Might actually miss him....
hubby and #1 daughter leave Friday afternoon for Indian Princess campout. won't be back til Sunday noon. BIG YEA!!!
sending baby cobra girl to memom's friday night. the hoodlums can 'fend for themselves'. I have NATIONAL SCRAPBOOK DAY on saturday!!! 9-9. I will have to 'take a break' for a couple of hours tho', to take moody boy to soccer.
hmmm. which books to scrapbook??? hmmmm.
nothing going on in big D. boring. boring. boring.
haven't heard from mikie in a while. he must be really busy with stuff.
He needs to check out the thread by the high school kid that did a cobra build as his school project. Maybe he could give our young friend some pointers.... SSSsnake or something like that.
gotta go.