Not Ranked
Schedule of Mitty
Here's a rough schedule of events for the weekend. This is edited due to my lack of typing skills...
Friday April 29
8:00 11:45 Practice for all Groups.
Track Touring after lunch from 12:10 to !:10 p.m.
!:15 to 4:35 qualifying
5:00 Practice MG/TR 1
5:25 Klub Porsche Challenge
6:00 Rolex Classic GT endruo (1 hr)
Saturday April 30
8:00-11:45 Qualifying
12:10 -1:10 lunch, parade lapes, car clubs
1:15 - 5:00 Qualifying by Groups
5:30 - 6:30 Rolex Vintage enduro
7:00 Party!!!
Sunday May 1
8:30 - 9:30 Rolex Historic Enduro
9;35 Anglo-American GT Challenge
10:00-12:10 Track touring, Car Club Parade Laps, Lunch
12:10- 5:00
All Final Racing
I hope this give an idea of the times...see you there