Ron... I have been trying to light a fire under my dad to do that for the past few weeks.... either hes in a rush to get out of town or hes "too tired."
I'll get them to you....some time. The trees are getting greener...and the sun' where in sight.
Stopped in at the Ford Dealer today to try to find an Explorer for her.... what is the first thing I see in front? A PRSTINE 66' GT-350....W-O-W! Very NICE! Turns out the Maryland SAAC region is having a car show there tomorrow....I think we need to... um.... find her a Focus....there. Tomorrow...... we'll just pawn the kids off on their grand parents.
Ron... I WILL get those pics to you... I just need to get a weekend that isn't busy and or raining. Next week maybe.??? I don't know.... I'll get em to you.