hey, where's Ron?? Haven't seen him lately. I hope Earl is doing ok. It's just Tuesday; I think I'll wait and call tomorrow.
cold, windy and rainy today.

The big show is Saturday. Hope it is nice by then. Steve, you heading over to AER on Sat?
little girls won their softball game, in the last 10 seconds! my girl scored the tying run, and the girl that rbi'd her, homered, and scored the winnng run. yea!!! (yes, they are just 2nd graders!)
I, on the other hand, sat thru a lovely band concert. listened to #2 son whack on: a cymbal, cow bell, and hmmm, oh yes, bongos. Quite entertaining. let's see. what end of year programs do I have left??? mother's tea (for Kindergarten) on Thursday..... gymnastics program (fortunately the girls take at school) on the 10th, ballet recital on the 21st, K- graduation on the 27.... oh well. lots of other things thrown in, along with the ball games....
boring to you all i'm sure.
today. balance 3 months of checkbooks! pay bills. order tires. goto grocery store. take to ballet. ortho. no ball games. fix dinner.
seeya later alligator!!