I'd build the Shelby to at least a 4.270" bore, leaves enough wall to bore to 4.280, 4.290 4.300 and 4.310 in the future for eventual freshening. I'd likely not take it all the way to the max bore For a street Cobra.....new sleeves are going to be expensive and availability will always be an additional expense and risk in the future. Resale Value!
The manifold you asked about will fit in CSX4815. This view shows the Barry Grant Carb in the right Blue.
2x4 With BG Look
2x4 With BF Look
Superior Crankshaft 4.375 Stroke
Superior 4.375 Stroke
Oliver Max Rods 6.535
Oliver Max Rods
Edelbrock Heads using 11/32" valves (Top Image CNC vs From Edelbrock on Bottom)
CNC Heads
CNC Heads
CNC View
CNC View