I've done ok at shows; won a couple, 2nd a couple. For some reason tho' AER doesn't do well with me. There are soooo many good cars there- across the board. 258 registered cars. That's awesome. great looking mustangs, gto's, chevelle's, and yes, a couple of awesome vette's!!
Fred, your car is about the best looking car.

It's not only a striking color combo, but you maintain it beautifully. I guessed you and Mark easy...... like I said, a toss up for the rest of us.... we're all pretty similar, give or take. I don't know the solution to an original being in the same category as the replica's.... some shows put them in their own, some group the same. If I had a $350,000 + car, I'd be pretty bummed if I didn't win, too!!! I'm glad he won. He should have. You should have won, too. You did. I wouldn't have minded placing, and oh well, there's always next year!!!!

btw. I saw you sneak thru that yeller lite!!!
Mike- the best of show category is a group of judge's selections. There is also a people's choice award. That one is mostly a 'who wants to buy it the most' award. I did put $20 bucks to it.....
The category's went from A-Z-CC. Cobra's were K. There were 13 best of show awards. For instance, if there are 4 different categories of trucks, best of show would group them into one, and pick their favorite. All GM cars were grouped into best GM.... not 60's, 70's, etc.
It's a great show, well run, professional outfit. they give away an engine- either a 302,350, or 351. You pick.
Pretty good quality.
I was hoping my buddies would pity me and I'd get enough 'authentic' pity votes to let me win something. Guess I wasn't whining enough!!
Gary is in Vegas, checking on his baby, and wasn't at the show, politicking for me!! Also, I don't wear an itty bitty skirt, or an itty bitty top with fake enhancements.
I wasn't trying to sound like whining.... just my 'fake *****ing' about a trophy! I've got 3 trophies in the garage- not bad for just over a year, and only 5 shows!!