Your car will always be a winner and the plaques and trophies won't make it any better. I have five or six that I won several years ago before I quit entering shows as I realized I was tired of standing around for 8 hours and not really being able to go enjoy the rest of the cars. Even have a silver plate that they gave all the cars that were on stage that year. And they are all stored in the bottom of my Mother's cedar chest. You are a winner with or without the car and that is what counts. Don't give up and for the $2 million, you can do what some of the peopleat the big Sacramento MOPAR show did. Go over to a booth that sold trophies and buy whatever you want and they will inscribe it for you. I never did understand that, but the guy running the booth told me he sold a lot of them. They buy them then take them to the next shhow and people look at them and figure if the car won that, it must be good and they vote for it. POLITICS at work.