Hi! I think it is pretty lame for somebody to buy their own trophy.... well, except for the people's choice award.... you can put in $50 bucks, or whatever you want, but basically everybody at the show can put in money. How bad do you want the trophy??? Put in $100, 200, etc. It all goes to charity. I like that....
I only do a few shows. I don't want to spend the whole day babysitting the cars. I do go around and vote, tho'. There is a nice show at the shelby midamerica meet in Tulsa in June. Since I'm at Tulsa anyway, I'll do that show. I've only done one 'drive-in' kind of show... at the Terrell Jubilee a couple of weeks ago. Got there pretty late, so not too bad. Mrs. 66Snake does a benefit show. It's for a women's shelter. I'd rather do a charity show any day than a for profit kind of show.
gotta go! get the kids fed, get to church, big ol Mother's day brunch at the club, (fat fat fat) home for a nap.....

talk to ya later!!
got the pm, Earl, and Ron. thanks!