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Old 05-13-2005, 08:40 AM
What'saCobra? What'saCobra? is offline
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Perhaps after the fact (and just before the CA Department of Consumer Frauds investigation), McCluskey agreed to give CS deniable cover.

CS (or agents representing him) sold them, but maybe McCluskey never said they were original himself, but maybe only what he was asked to do. Perhaps McCluskey never misrepresented anything directly himself.

CSX 3058 found its way back into the USA at least by last fall and was purported auctioned perhaps in January. Does anyone have the facts, including the current location and the reported price?

Don't tell anybody, but i bot new the 'other' CSX 3058, made by AC Cars Limited in the early 90's. i mention this because this was one of the cars that caused AC Cars Limited to have a conniption when they found out CS was mis-representing his 'continuation' cars as Genuine AC Cars Limited 'left-over' chassis. See delivery photo below.

Of course, we all know and knew at the time that they were all McCluskey sourced, mostly due to the excellent and accurate reproduction; which at least says something for McCluskey.

The gentle reader can conclude just what on his own, without my kabitzing.

Any thoughts, anyone?
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George Washington

Last edited by What'saCobra?; 12-18-2008 at 05:35 PM..