I have a H.P. Copier, Fax machine and I leave it on a lot of the time. Hasn't hurtmy digital display any. But you can call H.P. at this number. 800-474-6836. They have a habit of being slow to respond to e-mail. I guess they get a lot of tech questions and it just takes time.
And yes, Kristen's idea of a goat is sounding better every minute. A whole heard of them. I am still trying to get all of that old carpet cut up so I can feed it into the garbage can a little each week. To wet to mow so I have been workling on that.
Boy would I love to have a remote control mower that I could just sit in a lawn chair and run by joy sticks. I am to old for all of this stuff and it just keeps raining. And it is really humid today too.