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D&D, don't get bent out of shape because some people here are skeptical about a new manufacturer that sends out a couple posts with no pictures, no real name attached and very little concrete information about a company that for most of us is in a foreign country. To add to that the posts are written by a person who is obviously not very familiar with the English language. In this day and (internet) age this often spells 'rip-off.' So be patient, get your ducks in a row and present your company in more professional manner that will defray these worries.
BTW, Pole Position is fabrication company that supplies (or used to) suspension components to FFR. I don't know if selling D&D some components puts them in a position to 'prove' your company. Unless of course they are in some way linked.
"Cobra-Cobra-bo-bobra, banana-fanna-fo-fobra, fe-fi-mo-mobra...Cobra!"