For those of you that own a Superformance Cobra (any color will do), Second Strike has set up a road racing weekend for us with instruction from the Wicks Driving Academy. The event will be held on July 23rd and 24th (a weekend) at the Autobahn Country Club in Joliet.
Registration is on the web site ( Full tech inspection will be made and drivers must have a 5 point seat belt system and an approved helmet for all out racing. Those of us just beginning will likely have instructors at our side and lead-follow laps at highway speeds. (Got to start somewhere)
Looks as though this could be a great weekend for those Superformance owners that want to participate. Plans are to repeat this event yearly if the participation warrants.
Let me here from any other SPF owners that might be interested by replying to this thread. We'll get organized later! My application went in today!