Thread: Bb Help
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Old 05-20-2005, 09:19 AM
robermj1 robermj1 is offline
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Default Bb Help

I have a 466 that after my first trip out I had to stumble home. When the car is at idle to 2000 rpm it shakes really hard. I have checked the valve lash, rechecked the timing, when I shorted out the wires I have 3 cylinders not firing, mind you this is a new set up, motor everything, I am running a digital 6 box with coil, msd dist. I am running out of ideas, so I am asking for some help. once over 2000 rpm it smooths right out. Help needed, also there are no vacuum leaks checked the intake everyting I can think of, unless I am now the owner of a flat cam, but I cannot figure out why 3 cylinders are not firing.
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