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Ct. registration at wethersfield was no problem on a Midstsates
cobra built by midstates with 390 and 5 speed. My problem was the process. (this car is registered as 2005 composite cobra. ) I stood in my first line at 10:30 and got my plates at 5:30 The inspection was the best part the lines coud make you a serial killer by the end of the day.
I regestered as a 2005 not antique for fear of an insurance investagator ,if there was a death, walking from me because they insured a 1967 ford roadster not a new cobra kit car. That is scarry.
Just plan a whole day, bring a book, wear sneakers, and leave your anger home.
Bob kallio at midstates did a great job and delivered a hot, beautiful and well built car in 3.5 months from Nebraska to me.
The inspection process was the easiest part.