glad you're up to posting, Earl. I'd noticed you hadn't been around lately. I'm concerned about Ron. He hasn't posted in days, that means he isn't feeling any too well, either.

Hot as heck here.

Ran a few errands this morning, got ballet recital in a little while. 2 baseball games this evening. 6 & 8. Will hurry to the six oclock one after recital. Don't think I'll stay for the 8. Too hard on the girls to be dragging around like that. It'll still be plenty hot at 6! Full day tomorrow. Visited with my scrapbook buddy from about 9-11:30. (last night) Didn't work on one page. Did enjoy the social time and glass of wine! My friends are getting jobs, and this is really crimping my social calendar.
I do not want to get a job!! I'll volunteer anytime, but real working?? not me!!! been there, done that
#2 son wants the computer.
oh well, gotta get my 'refreshments' and the girls ready for recital and reception. seeya much much later.
Pretty quiet around CC on this Saturday afternoon.