EXCELLENT points made by Excaliber!! I WAS going to buy a Viper until my son told me how expensive they are to maintain (he is an automotive service writer and told me that you need special mechanics who are trained specifically on Vipers to correctly service them). As soon as I discoved how much FUN the cobra replicas are, I just had to have one. I've had two now (most of the Forum guys and gals know why) and I absolutely LOVE my car!! It is without question, THE MOST awesome "don't mess with me" car that I have ever driven. I own a 1984 Lotus Turbo Esprit and a 1969 Hemi SuperBee and, although they BOTH attract a lot of attention and "Wows" and "thumbs up" from everyone who sees them, my COBRA gets more of that kind of attention than BOTH of the other cars combined. Incredible machines to own and drive. IMO
