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StanJ - On my buddys Hemi a set of ceramic faced lifters were bounced around a bit and lived, due to 180/190 lbs springs, two busted srings and a maniac driver. The cam was a blower grind w/moderat ramps, .72 lift on both sides and 114 lobe centers w/very long duration on the exaust side. (wouldn't tell me duration)
Again, he beat the hell out of them and they lived and I am now convinced. Some recient data I saw on these lifters compaired harmonics data compaired to roller lifters and that data alone was enough to convince me of the long term wear characteristics even after the eqilivant of 80k miles street use with some wild lifts and over 300lbs springs. I kinda like the set it and forget it mentality if you were to use them one on a mild but blown big cube motor. They will be on my motor next summer I'd bet.
Ron Shockley