Yes they still have the fence up. They have just put a new one up for this year. It looks so nice up there.
Those trees made me feel so insignificent. The young ones are 2100 years old. I can't remember which tree by name, but one tree is large enough, that if you made 1 x 12's out of the trunk alone it would span the USA from coast to coast.
They have it pretty much blocked off so you can't get right up to the larger trees. Once I thought about it I understood why. It seems in years gone by people would carve their name into the trunks. That type of wound will never heal itself, ever. I can't say enough how impressed I was at the shear size of those trees.
They do not make good lumber for construction thanks goodness, or they would all be gone. They are brittle and most often shatter when they fall to the ground. I guess I would shatter if I fell 300' as well.
It was absolutly breath taking. One tree the "General Sherman" tree is so large it takes 7 minutes just to walk aroung it, at a brisk pace. It is the largest living thing on Earth and is impressive.
We purchased one of its offspring. $6.95 it will survive in our climate. Only problem is it takes a tad over 100 years to be 100' tall, a tad over 1,000 years to be 200' tall and atad over 2,000 years to be 275 feet tall. I guess i'll miss that part.
Well I got the yard mowed. I went to get some water out of the water dispensor on the frig in the garage and the water tank broke and started to flood the garage. I turned the water off and cleaned up a small water mess on the garage floor. Could you imagine if it was the iside frige two weeks ago and run the whole time. Lucky me.