A 357 Magnum works well on those mosquitoes. And it will let your neighbors know that you are getting rid of them.
We don't need any more heat. Yesterday morning I got up and it was raining and cold enough that everyone had their heaters on. At 11 AM, it had quit raining, the sun was out, it was 80 degrees and humid as all get out. I just came in from looking at the 8" tall weeds in my yards and upper lot and it is to hot to mow today. Those gravel yards are looking more appealing all the time.
Talking of septic tank locations, I was talking to one of the old linemen from the telephone comepany and he was telling me stories of things he had seen and gotten into back when they used to actually install the phones. He said once he had to crawlundera house to run the lines, and he fell through the top of their septic tankas it waslocated under the house and covered by wood that had rotted. When he got out, they gave him the rest of the day off.