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We just had the A/C serviced a few months ago with new filters but I will double check them. I forgot about the overflow in the tub too.
The washer never saturates the yard with all the dry sandy soil we have. We could water the yard and do laundry and the soil would only be damp for maybe two days. It has taken a few years to get grass to even start filling in some places that were bare because you have to water sooo much.
Given how these houses were built, it's hard to say where some of this stuff goes. We do laundry every 2-3 days so I doubt the washer drain ever gets "dry" but I will check. They seem to come from the other end of the house where the second bathroom is though. I will make sure the second bath gets used more and see if they thin out. After the one night, we only find a couple in the house now and then but I would like to get rid of them entirely. Especially with a 3.5 year old. This is the only year it has happened, but is has been a really wet winter. Just found out the holding tank off the canal that distrubutes the water to all the houses on our line was plugged and not flowing. We probably washed a bunch of the little eggs and larvae into the septic system.
Brent Dolphin