Thread: Ignore (EOM)
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Old 06-14-2005, 06:04 AM
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I checked and the company said there was no problem with aluminum.

So, I put the 18" fan back on last night and it makes a difference. Wasn't able to take the car out as it was raining, but the barn was a fine 88 degrees inside and the car cycled the fan at about 2 minutes on and 2 minutes off.

Star thistle is controlled by 2D4D ( if you can spray it ). We kill a nice assortment of weeds, but need to watch that we don't "over-do" it. Weed-B-Gone is a very diluted 2D4D. You can get Weed-B-Gone in concentrate and up the percentage so it is more like 2D4D.

We use Round up for fence and surface clean up, like inside our red barn or on the cement.

Ron, can you spray 2D4D in your state?

And, Yes cockroaches can survive a neuclear attack.
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