I have a little story for the drag queen.
Yesterday I had to get a new computer because everytime I rebooted it it would shoot mosquitos out the floppy drive. The new one is goat powered so Ron can send me his baled star thistle and make a little money of his problem. Steve offered to build a pen for me to keep the goat but only after I offered my share of Ron's Nigerian friend's money problem. Now if I could sell the organic fertilizer from the goat (which I told the county is a 4H project so I could keep it). Unfortunately I couldn't get a dual core processor because the two goats would kick and bite and would possibly destry Ron's shed or wheel barrow. Now that my computer and mosquito problems are fixed, we are taking a trip to Shast Dam via the Hoover Dam via Texas to see if any dogs are still barking in Ron's or Steve's neighborhood.