I cant believe the narrowmindedness of some ppl trying to blame or apportion a part of the blame to the Ferrari and other bridgestone teams.
Racing has rules..............if your car or tyres(or even engine) arent up to scratch, then like FIA suggested, LOWER YOUR PERFORMANCE LEVEL and take whatever result comes with that, i refuse to see why Ferrari who had the right tyres etc ect should be penalised by a chicane for the Ballsup of the others.
F1 is all about points scoring and adhering to the rules, if the FIA allowed new tyres to be brought in and then allowed the teams to race on them without scoring points due to the infraction of the rules, or even allowed the Michelin teams to race but change tyres more often than normal...............I am sure the Fans would have felt that they got their monies worth (yeah RIGHT).
Next we will see the minardi and Jordan teams asking for shorter tracks due to reliablitiy issues?? DUHHHH
there was no solution to the problem which would NOT unfairly disadvantage one side or the other. so Michelin messed up.thats life. If u want to run with the big dogs then u have to stop pissing like a puppy.
i guess if michelin had done their homework the whole thing would have been avoided............... The public should get their money back form michelin the blame lies solely at their door
Congrats to Ferrari and the bridgestone teams on their points